Use Plover to find a few potential errors or anomalies in a CSV file

This application runs locally in your browser. The advantage is that no data leaves your machine. The disavantage is that is is slow.

What's missing

  • To get this to run in a reasonable time on a single core in your browser we've had to turn down the quality.
  • No metric values to tell you how erroneous data are.
  • No explanations attribute errors
  • No meta similarity to identify data with similar errors
  • No error/anomaly computation on hypothetical out-of-table data

CSV data requirements

  • The CSV file size cannot exceeed 1MB
  • The index column (if supplied) must have unique values
  • The file must have a header
  • Missing values must be empty cells. No sentinel values (e.g. 99)
  • This demo only support continuous and categorical data with at most 256 categories

Ready-to-use dataset


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